Barbara Spectre

Stockholm, Sweden

Barbara Spectre is the Founding Director of Paideia, the European Institute of Jewish Studies in Sweden, an institute established in 2000 through a grant of the Swedish Government with the purpose of providing academic substance and creative stimulus for the renewal of European Jewish culture. She was formerly on the faculty of the Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem, where she taught Jewish thought, was the founding chair of the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem, and was on the faculties of Yellin College, and the Melton School of Education of the Hebrew University.  Her publications include: “A Theology of Doubt” (Hebrew) and, together with Noam Zion of the Hartman Institute, the two volume: “A Different Light: The Hanukkah Book of Celebration.”  She is a recipient of the Max Fischer Prize for Excellence in Education, the 2016 Abraham Geiger Prize, and in 2018 received the King’s Medal of Sweden.